WIMAfrica, World Ocean Council signs MoU to support more women participation in maritime trade

The Women in Maritime, Africa and the World Ocean Council (WOC) have reached an agreement on ways to collaborate to encourage and enable more women to participate in the maritime industry.
President of WIMAfrica, Mrs Jean Chiazor Anishere, who made the disclosure, said that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the parties, covers the following:

Acknowledging the need to strengthen women engagement (particularly at the community level and private sector involvement, including the participation of Women from all sea-related areas/communities) and evolution of stronger partnerships and associated harmonised work-plans in the Maritime industry.

R-L: WIMAfrica Vice President Mme Caroline Mawadji Masala, Founder/Trustee of WIMA Tunisia, Madame Leila Ben-Hassan

Recognising the need to develop a common institution of cooperation and a Maritime Agenda and Platform for Marine and Maritime Gender Civil Society Federations, Leagues, ONGs and/or Associations of the Maritime Industry to pave the way for a future joint program or project by WIMAFRICA/WOC;

Considering, the indispensable participation of women to the progress of the Maritime industry, and the need for Gender Equality within the Sector.

Aiming to more effectively deliver and address priority areas for regionally and internationally harmonised gender marine and maritime practices; identification and agreement on projects and priorities for gender empowerment and financial inclusion of women within the Maritime industry;

Taking into account the need for international partnerships and relationships to further enhance the growth of Professional Women in the Shipping, Trading and Logistics sector,

Taking into account the Women Africa Decade (2010-2020) and the objective of putting in place measures for fighting poverty and promoting economic empowerment and entrepreneurship of women;

Bearing in mind the need for the recognition at the highest level of Africa’s and women’s importance and women’s indispensable participation to our continent’s progress;

Affirming the desirability of cooperation between WIMAFRICA and WOC in working jointly towards the promotion and development of Women in the Blue Economy, and to promote women’s engagement in ‘Corporate Ocean Responsibility’ among its members and the broader ocean business.

She also disclosed that a joint Committee for the Implementation of the WIMAFRICA / WOC MoU that is set up is composed of representatives nominated by the two organizations, to ensure the effective implementation of the present MoU.

On a note of appreciation for the significant step towards supporting women in the industry, Anishere expressed gratitude to Founder/Trustee of WIMA Tunisia, Madame Leila Ben-Hassan, the VP, Mama Caro, Chantel Ngoie and Yvie Cameroon.

Anishere is looking forward to very huge progress in the regard of the MoU reached.


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